Nancy Pearl has been a hero to me.Even before she became the model for the
Action Figure Librarian She has written Book Lust and More Book Lust, each lovely paperbacks that recommend books for any mood. Her bio claims "
Nancy Pearl has become a rock star among readers and the tastemaker people turn to when deciding what to read next." Exactly everything I want to be when I grow up.
But the reason I was thinking about her today, causing me to gaze fondly at my autographed Deluxe Action Figure and then get on to posting about my fandom, is that she has a great little email newsletter that shows up in my inbox from time to time and reminds me how much I love books. Now mind you, this is not something I forget easily. But in the everyday push & pull, the temptations of magazines and podcasts and newspapers can overwhelm my senses and make me forget the lush joy of falling into a novel. Or the inky-thumbed rush of tearing through a pulpy mystery. Or the braniac delights of satisfying non-fiction.
Nancy Pearl's email often sends me in new directions, scurrying for my library card or at least a trip to
Goodreads to add to the evergrowing "to read" list. But there's just something about having that list, about having that stack of plastic wrapped library books waiting next to my bed, that tears me away from the temptations of Netflix and Hulu and whatever ephemeral media has captured my eye and lures me back to my first love: text, bound pages, spine, leaves = books. And for that I will always love Nancy Pearl and look forward to her next email.